You Can Make It Ministries

You Can Make It Ministries

A Recent Success

  • Our New Church has been built! If you build it they will come, The Lord put this in my heart to build a new facility for the people. Not a traditional church building.

  • "Worship Center" For All People..

  • Connect with Us!

Log on to our NEW Website..

Cash App your Donation..$YouCanMakeIt


Just wanted to connect with you and to let you know GOD is doing great and mighty things!

As you know, The world is forever changing..
So much is going on, We need answers, We need HELP!!

You ask, Where can I find the answers that I need for my life?
The answer is simple my friends. Jesus is the answer for the world today.

Pray and ask the Lord to guide you, Come to him with a humble heart and a forgiving spirit, And watch the situation change in your favor!!
Pray for that new job, Increase, Family to be saved, Healing & Deliverance

"We are a Ministry that is on the move for God”


The church I pastor is called “You Can Make It” that is what we all can live by we have to keep the Faith and know that YOU CAN MAKE IT!!

Pastor Shirley

Pastor Shirley O’Neal


Log on to our WEBSITE, There you can read more about our ministry and that our mission is to reach the lost and the hurting, Through teaching the word or by singing/music. And sending prayers to those in need.

On our website, You can send a Donation to help further the ministry

 -Also you can send your prayer request via Email.

Write us at: You Can Make It Ministries/Pastor Shirley O’Neal

                          P.O. BOX 1147* Ridgeway, Va. 24148

Or Cash App your donation: $YouCanMakeIt

*I would love to hear from you, And WE can Believe God for what you need!         


Help Us Reach The Lost Souls..

Contact Us
You Can Make It Ministries
PO BOX 1147
Ridgeway, Va. 24148
Telephone# (336) 612-2892
Email: Website:

Send me your prayer requests, And I will go in prayer on your

Behalf, We will touch and agree through prayer.

That it will be a breakthrough in your life for you and your family.

Prayer is the key and Faith unlocks those stubborn doors of opportunity that is being held back from you!

-We will PRAY and We will Believe and have FAITH that God will answer the prayers that we are constantly praying for.

Faith sometimes, Equals patients. We have to have patients while we are waiting on God to help us. With believing that it will be a break -through in our life for whatever we may need.

*Become a Monthly Partner:

-SOW a seed of at least $10 0r more and we will send you a

Monthly Newsletter and a Gift, To thank you for your support!

Mail your Donation/Prayer Request To The Address On this



YOU CAN MAKE IT MINISTRIES PO BOX 1147 Ridgeway, Va. 24148


Zip Code: